Thursday, June 30, 2011

WNE Law to Participate in Williams Institute National Moot Court Competition

WNE Law has been approved to participate in the Williams Insitute National Moot Court Competition on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law! All interested students must participate in the 2-credit Appellate Moot Court Tutorial class in the fall taught by Professors Orlen and Kaiser. The class culminates in a moot court competition through which members of our team will be selected. Students who participate in the Moot Court Tutorial are not guaranteed a spot on the Williams Institute Team--they will compete for a slot against other students who have indicated an interest in the Williams Institute team, but everyone who participates will get 2 credits.

Professors Flynn and Shay will co-coach the team and Professor Flynn will travel with the team to L.A in the spring.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

CT Senate Approves Trans Rights Bill

The Connecticut Senate approved a bill on Friday, June 4th  that will extend equal protection to transgender individuals. Governor Malloy said that he will sign the bill. WNE Law Professor Jennifer Levi worked tirelessly on the bill along with a larger coalition in Connecticut. This is exciting news for Transgender residents of Connecticut.

Read Professor Levi's narrative from the night of June 4th here or at An article is also available from the Hartford Courant here.